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                About us

                Mizuken is a joint-stock company jointly invested by Japanese investors, Taiwan investors and Chinese private capital. Before its establishment, the technical backbone of the company worked in Japanese peer enterprises, and the counterpart professional technology research has been more than 10 years. Since its establishment, Shuiyan has been determined to create a professional brand in the mold cleaning industry

                Our team

                Constantly challenge and surpass ourselves, let's do better!

                Enterprise vision

                Let our environment become more comfortable, the water is clearer, the grass is greener, the sky is bluer

                About us

                Innovation · Transcendence

                     Mizuken is a joint-stock company jointly invested by Japanese investors, Taiwan investors and Chinese private capital. Before its establishment, the technical backbone of the company worked in Japanese peer enterprises, and the counterpart professional technology research has been more than 10 years. Since its establishment, Shuiyan has been determined to create a professional brand in the mold cleaning industry

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                Mold cleaning 15 years of industry experience


                Customer choice


                Marketing in more than 40 countries


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                Since its establishment, Shuiyan company has been determined to create a professional brand in the mold cleaning industry, form the core competitiveness based on pure physical cleaning application technology, adhere to innovation and profitable development, build a boundless company team, and keep up with the professional level at home and abroad in technology In terms of operation, it supports the company to create brands at home and abroad, create market reputation in the field of mold cleaning, and become an influential advanced professional intelligent enterprise at home and abroad. In terms of operation

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                Mould waterway cleaning machine
                Mould waterway cleaning machine
                Mould waterway cleaning machine
                Mould waterway cleaning machine
                Mould waterway cleaning machine
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